The Aegeri Advent Window Project
2021 was again a year of plans changing and hopes of being with family disappeared. We decided we needed to bring a bit of joy back to our holiday and take advantage of the fantastic community we live in by creating the first annual Aegeri ADVENT WINDOWS project.
Each day a member of our community created a special Advent Window. The window decoration varied from window to window but each was super special in their own way. Some hosts even offered outside open houses where neighbors gathered sharing hot drinks, Christmas cookies and/or mince pies. It was truly special.
Thank you to all the families and business who made this possible. We look forward the 2nd Annual Advent window event.
December 24
The Buttenshaw Family
Today my family and I would like to welcome your family to come and celebrate Christmas Eve. with us. The event will be outside and we will comply with COVID rules.
The lead up to Christmas has been amazing. Thank you to everyone who has decorated their window and brought a little joy to our community.
Merry Christmas

December 23
The Needham Family
Alte Landastrasse A21, 6315 Oberaegeri
Two more sleeps until Father Christmas arrives. The Needhams have places their Advent window up high by the sky to get you ready for looking for him.
Get ready..... Christmas is almost here.

December 22
The Nicol Family
Grossmatt 21, 6314 Unteraegeri
A window filled with all things Christmas. Come have a look and see what you can see in this beautifully decorated window. There are deers, snowmen, and even a magical elf.
The Nicol family window is located on the side of the house by the driveway.

December 21
The Scott Family
Heimelistrasse 43, 6314 Unteraegeri
The Scott Family have created a beautiful Christmas Wonderland in their garden.
Sitting way up on the hillside of Unteraegeri, just below the Adelhide Clinic, we have our own little Lapland. A walk by this enchanted garden is a must. I can almost see the Christmas magic sparkling from their lights can you.

December 20
The Smart Family
Feldweg 2, 6315 Oberägeri
The Smart Family's children have designed a window with a challenge. They have hidden a small nativity scene in theier design. Can you find it?
This window can be easily found just behind the yellow shoe store in the center of town. Its on the second floor so be sure to look up.

December 19
Pete's Place
Zugerstrasse 20, 6314 Unteraegeri
Pete's Place is feeling festive.
Stop by today and say hello. Visits between 14:00 - 15:00 receive a Prosecco for only 2 fr.
Its a beautiful day to wander around our village and enjoy all the #AegeriAdventWindows that have been created just for you around our village.
Pete's is a great spot to stop along the way for a hot drink and a festive break. Maybe you will even spot Santa.

December 18
The Janzen Family
Lindengasse 2, 6314 Unteraegeri
Visible from the inner courtyard, its the green building
The inspiration for the window:
"I was reminded for this Christmas season, that Jesus attracted people from all walks of life, wise men (our days maybe called academics), lowly shepherds, later in life simple fishermen, powerful business women, etc. These days, there is much potential for division but the Christmas season can remind us to unite on those things that we have in common."

December 17
The Koch Family
Rigistrasse 11, Unteraegeri
Come by today and meet the Koch Family. They will sharing a Swiss tradition of morning Z'nuni with you.
This beautifully coloured window can be seen as you look up from the road as you leave Aegeri. It became another family project of love to share Christmas with you and your family.

December 16
The Limonova Family
Zugerstrasse 20 ( above Aegeri Hair design ) 6314 Unteraegeri
This lovely snow scene sits above the main street in Unteraegeri. Take a moment to look up when walking from the Bibliothek to Coop and enjoy the beautiful designs.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

December 15
The Nayyar Family
Grossmatt 11, 6314 Unteraegeri
London is calling is this theme created by Nikky's lovely two boys. Together they have made a window filled with their favourite places in London. This became a true family project.
Nikky's house can be found behind the Wichetlhaus Krippe on the way to the Badi. The decorated window is the one facing the road!
All hands on deck.

December 14
The Alexander Family
Waldheimstrasse 20, 6314 Unteraegeri
This window shows the journey of Mary and Joseph getting close to Bethlehem. The Alexander children thought the donkey doesn’t get enough credit for all his hard work.
Perhaps thats why they are so important in the Swiss celebration on December 5th.

December 13
Shooting Stars
Strandweg 10, the side window,
6314 Unteraegeri
This beautiful skyline has been created by the teachers and children from Shooting Stars. It looks magical at night when its lit up. Children who come by to visit will receive a chocolate surprise.
It's a wonderful life.

December 12
The Neiss Family
Lidostrasse 15, 6314 Unteraegeri
During visiting hours today hot chocolates, cookies and glüehwein will be offered to all who visit !!
Come see this beautiful window filled with traditional and fantasyland themes. Centrally located you can see this window on your way to Zumbachs or Aegeri on Ice or just when you are out on a family walk.

December 11
The Garnett Family
Grubenstrasse 33b, 6315 Oberägeri
Here comes Santa Claus.... opps, I think he may be stuck. This window display is perfectly located on a wanderweg making it easy for a family to enjoy on an afternoon walk.
Pop out and enjoy the snow . Ho ho ho

December 11
The Garnett Family
Grubenstrasse 33b, 6315 Oberägeri
Here comes Santa Claus.... opps, I think he may be stuck. This window display is perfectly located on a wanderweg making it easy for a family to enjoy on an afternoon walk.
Pop out and enjoy the snow . Ho ho ho

December 10
The Martell - Gass Family
Grossmattstrasse 9, 6314 Unterägeri
Best place to view is from the road leading to Schönenbuhl. Here is the parking entrance with a big FROG on it. Look up to see.
Happy 10th Day of December from our Celtic Knot Tree and Dancing Reindeer. X the Gass - Martell family.

December 9
Zugerstrasse 25, 6314 Unterägeri
Visits TODAY between 8.30 - 11.30 and 13.30 - 18.00 are welcomed.
When you mention Aegeri High Heels or Aegeri Advent Window you receive a small gift.
Schmuckhuhn offers lovely items that make beautiful Christmas gifts like her hand crafted wooden trees. It also offers beautiful clothes for that perfect Holiday out fit,
You can follow them on Instagram.

December 8
Families Rühe and Kaldowski
Schoenwart 13&15,Unteraegeri
Visits between 16:00 -18:00 are welcomed
The Rühe and Kaldowski children worked together to create this beautiful hand drawn delight for you to enjoy. Just a short distance from town, the walk up is a perfect activity for you and your family.
Kid friendly hot tea and individually wrapped Christmas canes will be handed out between 4-6pm.
They look forward to welcoming their lovely Aegeri friends.

December 7
Blumen Iten
Zugerstrasse 11, Unteraegeri
Tonight Unteraegeri hosts its own Christmas Market from 18:00 -20:00. The lovely Anastasia from Blumen Iten opens her doors to all and will be offering special surprises for those who visit.
It is a perfect night to grab a friend or your husband and hit the town. Enjoy some evening shopping, the Christmas lights and everything Aegeri has to offer.

December 6
The Gonzalez Family
Lutisbachweg 4, 6415 Oberaegeri
Look up high, towards the sky and on the second floor you will see this shiny Angel looking down at you. A beautiful piece of homemade stain glass for your enjoyment.
Melissa explains that this window has been created in memory of Helen Gonzalez - her mother-in-law who passed 1 year ago on this date. The angel in the pic represents her, with a four leaf clover as she was Irish-American, the mitten represents the Michigan “glove”, the house/flowers/heart for our families in the US and the mountain side to represent us in Switzerland!
Hark the herald the angels sing...

December 5
Something Different
Haus Am See - POP UP SHOP
Seestrasse 72,Unteraegeri
TODAY ONLY - Weihnachts Market
OPEN from 10-16:00. All visitors receive half price Glühwein. Purchase direct from window (1chf instead of 2chf) … or free with any purchase.
Merry Christmas from Something Different!! 😊

December 4
The Philipp Family
Im Grod 6, Oberaegeri 6315
This happy moose is looking forward to welcoming you to his beautiful window. Located in the breathtaking farm lands just above Oberaegeri its perfect for an afternoon walk.
The Philipp's will be offering Glüwein, APPLE PIE, and Biscuits from 15:00 to 18:00. Please stop bye and say hi.

December 3
The Obert Castley Family
Mühlegasse 7, Unteraegeri
This beautiful number 3 shines so bright welcoming all who pass in the night.
Let it snow let it snow

December 2
The Newton Thomas Family
Waldhofstrasse 20 b, Unteraegeri
Look up when passing this house as the window is up high. Feel the warmth of the fire inside and the see the Christmas stockings already hanging.
Ho ho ho.

December 1
The Treharne Family
Ennermattstrasse 4, Unteraegeri
Gingerbread man or a mince pie will be available (while stocks last!) between 2-5pm or after 7pm.
Merry Christmas🎄